Detoxification For Your Skin

Most skin problems such as acne, dryness, and dullness, can be attributed to unhealthy skin, or skin that is not functioning properly. When skin is not renewing itself regularly, breathing and sweating properly, and receiving and utilising enough blood and nutrients, it can dry out, become dull and thickened, and lack the glow of health and youth. With the process of detoxification you can cleanse the skin and prepare it for optimal function. After detoxification you can enjoy fresh-looking hydrated skin, the glow that comes from rapid skin cell renewal, and breakout free skin that looks as healthy as it feels.
What it is and How It Works
Toxins, pollutants, free radicals, and certain food products like saturated fats can build up inside your body and in the fatty tissue of your skin can cause problems with optimal operation. Detoxification helps remove these harmful substances so that your skin and other organs are free to work efficiently and smoothly to restore and maintain good health. Most detoxification techniques involve the use of a diet, exercise program, and herbal supplement to bring about this detoxing or cleansing.For skin detoxification all three techniques are useful and effective. When used alone or in combination the techniques help removal built up toxins from the cells of the skin, help the skin increase its rate of cell renewal, and help speed up toxin elimination through the sweating of the skin.
A healthy diet full of nutritious vegetable and fruits can help eliminate toxins from the skin and help heal and prevent acne breakouts and other blemishes. Exercise will increase skin sweating which will move the toxins inside the skin outside of the body where they can be washed away. This technique helps reduce acne breakouts, the appearance of blackheads and whiteheads, and also promotes a healthy glow to the skin. Herbs can help during detoxification by purifying the blood that brings nutrients to the skin, by working as an antiseptic to kill bacteria and other harmful toxins on the skin, and by promoting cell renewal for good skin health.
Detoxification Techniques for Your Skin
Detoxification techniques for good skin include the use of sauna sweats, cleansing baths, detoxification diets that include herbs, and the application of herbal preparations.Sauna sweats are believed to rid the skin of wastes and toxins by causing the skin to perspire, to regulate the body's temperature so that it can better fight infections (such as those that cause acne), and to increase the body production of white blood cells, which help protect the skin against disease. To perform skin detoxification with the use of a sauna you need to choose a temperature that is low but that allows you to begin sweating after 15 minutes and you need to stay in the sauna for at least 60 to 90 minutes for true cleansing to happen.
Cleansing baths, on the other hand, involve the use of your usual bathtub and additives that help draw toxins out of the skin. One popular cleansing bath involves the use of hot water, three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, and two cups each of Epsom salts and baking soda. The salts will draw out the toxins and the soda will neutralise the acids in the toxins. The second technique calls for the addition of sea salt instead of Epsom salt, the same amount of baking soda, and the addition of four tablespoons of powdered ginger. In this cleansing bath the ginger helps more effectively draw out the toxins. In either bath you must soak your entire body for 20 to 30 minutes and consume fresh water throughout the soak.
The most popular skin detoxification technique is dieting. In this technique meats, fats, grains, simple sugars, and dairy products are eliminated from the diet. In their place a long list of fruits, vegetables, and pure drinking water is consumed. The water helps clean the toxins out of the body and the nutrients in the raw fruits and vegetables helps remove toxins. Also, since weight loss is usually achieved during a diet cleansing, toxins are released when fat tissue is broken down which further cleanses the body and the skin. Although these diets work well on their own many practitioners also recommended the use of certain herbs during detoxification.
Herbs that Aid Skin Detoxification
While attempting skin detoxification it is helpful to consume a few herbs that can increase the effects of your efforts. Burdock, an herb that can be taken in capsule form, is great for skin cleansing and also great for the treatment of dry, scaly skin. This herb acts as a diuretic to help remove toxins from the body and as a blood purifier.Alfalfa and mint can be brewed into a tea to help skin detoxification. These two herbs help eliminate toxins, regulate hormones, and ease inflammation, all which helps reduce acne breakouts and other skin blemishes. Other herbs that help cleanse the skin, eliminate toxins, and reduce skin problems include basil, red clover, yellow dock, black walnut, and blessed thistle. Before adding any of these herbs to your detoxification process check with your doctor or nutritionist for recommended dosages, safety information, and detailed usage guidelines.
By understanding detoxification and the safe ways it can be used to promote skin health you can soon be on your way to blemish-free, invigorated, great looking skin.
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